A Feminine Beauty Bloom Bouquet

The Feminine Beauty Bloom Bouquet is a beautiful selection of pastel flowers perfect for a variety of occasions and recipients

DETAILS: This bouquet will be made of New Zealand grown, seasonal flowers which will be spiraled with fresh local long-lasting foliage.  All our bouquets are hand made to order and are securely tied with natural twine string. It will be presented in your choice of a paper wrap, bouquet bag, vox or glass vase.

We will beautifully present your personal message in  either a Complimentary Sentiments Card or Luxury Gift Card and attach it to your order. If you also purchase any add-on gifts (chocolate, soaps, cookies, candle etc) we will beautifully and appropriately package these gifts and send them along with your flowers.


Box- Our Mothers Day Boquet’s come presented in a cardboard box with a large wet pack to ensure freshness until it can be put in a vase

Vox Box – We will present your bouquet in in a carboard box dressed with beautiful paper and finished with a ribbon, perfect for easy care situations when a vase may not be availiable eg. Hospitals, Resthomes and for sympathy.

Glass Vase  We will present your bouquet in a plain glass vase to suit the size of your bouquet. They can keep this and use it for future flowers they may receive. This is an easy care option and looks beautiful!

SIZING: You have four sizes to choose from: (the size increases with value) Please see also our size guide!

  • Small $65
  • Medium $85 (Pictured)
  • Large $120
  • Extra Large $220 
* The flowers pictured are an indication on the flower colour combination. Please remember flowers are a natural product, and due to seasonal changes and market availability some different blooms may possibly be used. We always make your order as close to the image as possible on the delivery day. If there are particular flowers that you would not like used, please state this in the ‘Special Delivery Instructions’ in the Checkout (i.e, no lilies, no gerberas etc). We pride ourselves in delivering quality, freshness and value.

From $65


A beautiful selection of Pastel flowers artfully spiraled together by our talented florists

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Every flower and gift Sentiments sends out, is right for that time and right for that occasion. That’s what makes it special

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